By the grace of GOD and with the blessing of our parents 


Souraya & Abboud

Request the honor of your presence as we join hands in

the Holy Sacrament Of Matrimony

on Saturday, March 6th, 2021 at 14:00

Rooms-Katholieke Michaël-Laurens Church

In Utrecht ( De Bilt ), The Netherlands.

Our Program

The day starts at 13:30

The bride arrives between 13:45 and 14:00

The Ceremony begins at 14:00

A Small wedding reception starts at 15:15.

Location of the church

For those willing to give us a present, our bank account is:

Name: A Mourad & S Nassar

IBAN: NL44 INGB 0673 2441 21


Because of Coronavirus, We are only limited to 30 guests. Please let us know whether you are attending our wedding by filling the form below.

    Would you like to attend?

    How many would you be? (optional)

    Hugs & kisses

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